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Importance of Having a System in Generating Reviews from Customers

Generating Reviews

Learn more about how automation systems can increase positive reviews and in-person visits to your practice.

Automation Systems Can Increase Positive Reviews

Plastic surgery marketing is common these days with ads appearing all over the internet. Online advertising is a big part of the marketing strategy for doctors. The actual act of advertising is usually easy, but the challenge comes in when you’re trying to figure out how to generate more clinic visits from the ads. That’s where an automated client system comes in.

How to Use Facebook Ads for My Practice

Facebook and Google are the most popular platforms used for lead generation for plastic surgeons. If you learn how to do social media marketing on these platforms effectively, you will have solved the mystery of how to get more clinic visits. Facebook and Google ads work – there is no question there – but the rest is up to you once Facebook and Google have done their parts.

For both platforms, you must create a great ad with an eye-catching image or meme (because these are extremely popular now), set a budget, and let it run. People will click – these methods have already been proven – but after that, you have to hook your website visitors. One way to hook the clients that visit your site is through the power of positive reviews.

How to Get More Positive Reviews

The first step to getting more positive reviews is through great customer service. If your customer service is already great, then keep reading. Otherwise, you’ll want to start there.

After this step, you can use marketing automation for doctors to build your positive reviews with ease. An automation system will help you build email lists or areas on your website that will encourage people to leave reviews. It will also allow them to leave reviews in more than one place at a time (for example, Google, Facebook, and Yelp). This leads to an increased chance of them leaving a review as well as a higher number of reviews overall. This same automation process will allow new website visitors to view all your positive reviews at one time, saving them time and making it more likely for them to become clients.

If your primary goal is figuring out how to get clients using Facebook and Google or how to get more clinic visits, automation systems do most of the work for you. Positive reviews are a proven way to increase in-person traffic. With automation systems, you can worry less about pulling clients in and focus more on keeping them once they are there.

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